A jQuery plugin to facilitate the handling of form field dependencies.
$( subject ).dependsOn( dependencySet, [options] );
A jQuery plugin to facilitate the handling of form field dependencies.
$( subject ).dependsOn( dependencySet, [options] );
Add jQuery to your header.
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
Add dependsOn to your header after jQuery.
<script type="text/javascript" src="dependsOn-1.0.0.min.js"></script>
In this example the input field "myText" will be enabled when the checkbox "myCheck" is checked.
<form id="myForm"> <label for="myCheck">Check Me</label> <input type="checkbox" id="myCheck"> <label for="myText">Input</label> <input type="text" id="myText" value=""> </form>
Use jQuery selectors to active the plugin.
$('#myText').dependsOn({ // The selector for the depenency '#myCheck': { // The dependency qualifiers enabled: true, checked: true } });
Qualifier | Description | Type |
enabled | If true, then dependency must not have the "disabled" attribute. | Boolean |
checked | If true, then dependency must not have the "checked" attribute. Used for checkboxes and radio buttons. | Boolean |
values | Dependency value must equal one of the provided values. | Array |
not | Dependency value must not equal any of the provided values. | Array |
match | Dependency value must match the regular expression. | RegEx |
contains | One of the provided values must be contained in an array of dependency values. Used for select fields with the "multiple" attribute. | Array |
If true, dependency value must match an email address. | Boolean | |
url | If true, Dependency value must match an URL. | Boolean |
Custom | Custom function which return true or false. | Function |
Property | Default | Description | Type |
disable | true | Add "disabled" attribute to the subject's form field. | Boolean |
hide | true | Hide the subject on disable and reveal the subject on enable. | Boolean |
duration | 200 | The time in milliseconds for the fade transition. Used only if hide is set to true. | Number |
onEnable | Empty Function | The callback function to execute when the subject has been enabled. | Function |
onDisable | Empty Function | The callback function to execute when the subject has been disabled. | Function |
valueOnEnable | n/a | The value to set the subject to when enabled. | String |
valueOnDisable | n/a | The value to set the subject to when disabled. | String |
checkOnEnable | n/a | If true, "checked" attribute will be added to subject when enabled. If false, "checked" attribute will be removed from subject when enabled. For checkboxes and radio buttons. | Boolean |
checkOnDisable | n/a | If true, "checked" attribute will be added to subject when disabled. If false, "checked" attribute will be removed from subject when disabled. For checkboxes and radio buttons. | Boolean |
valueTarget | n/a | jQuery selector for the object to you want to target for editing the value. Use if you want to alter the value of something other than the subject. | String |
toggleClass | n/a | The class you wish to be appended to the subject when enabled. The class will be removed when the subject is disabled. | String |
Text field will be enabled and revealed when the checkbox is checked.
<form id="basicTest"> <label> <input type="checkbox"> Check me </label> <input type="text" class="subject"> </form>
$('#basicTest .subject').dependsOn({ '#basicTest input[type="checkbox"]': { checked: true } });
Submit button will be enabled and revealed when the text field value is either "yes" or "true".
<form id="valuesTest"> <label>Do you wish to continue?</label> <input type="text"> <input type="submit" class="subject"> </form>
$('#valuesTest .subject').dependsOn({ '#valuesTest input[type="text"]': { values: ['yes', 'true'] } });
Submit button will be enabled and revealed when the checkbox is check and the text field value is an email address.
<form id="emailTest"> <label> Send me emails <input type="checkbox"> </label> <label> Email <input type="text" class="email"> </label> <input type="submit" class="subject"> </form>
$('#emailTest .subject').dependsOn({ '#emailTest input[type="checkbox"]': { checked: true }, '#emailTest .email': { email: true } });
Change the text field value when the select menu changes.
<form id="affectValueTest"> <label> Enable? <select> <option value="yes">Yes</option> <option value="no">No</option> </select> </label> <input type="text" class="subject"> </form>
$('#affectValueTest .subject').dependsOn({ '#affectValueTest select': { values: ['yes'] } }, { valueOnEnable: 'Hello, world!', valueOnDisable: 'Goodbye, cruel world...', hide: false });
Button will be enabled when the proper two animals are selected. (hint: They have four legs)
<form id="multipleValuesTest"> <label>I'm thinking of two animals, what are they?</label> <select multiple> <option value="dog">Dog</option> <option value="fish">Fish</option> <option value="cat">Cat</option> <option value="horse">Spider</option> </select> <br> <input type="submit" class="subject"> </form>
$('#multipleValuesTest .subject').dependsOn({ '#multipleValuesTest select': { values: [['dog', 'cat']] } }, { valueOnEnable: 'Correct!', valueOnDisable: 'Incorrect', hide: false });
$( subject ).dependsOn( dependencySet, [options] ).or( dependencySet );
Adds an additional dependency set to check against. They can also be chained together for three or more dependency sets.
"Add Another" button will be enabled when extra cheese is checked, or an extra topping is selected.
<form id="orTest"> <label>Would you like to add anything to your pizza?</label> <label> Extra Cheese <input type="checkbox" name="xtraCheese"> </label> <label> Extra Topping <select class="span2"> <option value="select">Select one...</option> <option value="pepperoni">Pepperoni</option> <option value="sasage">Sausage</option> <option value="olives">Olives</option> <option value="onion">Onion</option> <option value="Bell Pepper">Bell Pepper</option> </select> </label> <input type="button" class="subject" value="Add Another"> <input type="submit" value="Continue"> </form>
$('#orTest .subject').dependsOn({ '#orTest input[name="xtraCheese"]': { checked: true } }, { hide: false }).or({ '#orTest select': { not: ['select'] } });
You can easily add your own qualifiers for extended functionality. To use a custom qualifier, add your own property to the qualifiers and assign it to function. The function will be passed the value of the dependency and must return a boolean (true|false) value in order to function properly. There is no limit to the amount of custom qualifiers you can have.
The text field will be enabled when the checkbox is checked and "Click me" is clicked.
<form id="customQualifierTest"> <label> <input type="checkbox"> Check me </label> <a href="#" class="clickMe">Click me</a> <br> <input type="text" class="subject"> </form>
var isClicked = false; var customQualifierTest = $('#customQualifierTest .subject').dependsOn({ '#customQualifierTest input[type="checkbox"]': { checked: true, // Custom qualifier returns the value of the global variable `isClicked`. clicked: function( val ) { return isClicked; } } }, { hide: false }); $('#customQualifierTest .clickMe').toggle(function() { isClicked = true; // Force dependencies to be checked. customQualifierTest.check(); return false; }, function() { isClicked = false; // Force dependencies to be checked. customQualifierTest.check(); return false; });
You can specify callbacks for enable and disable using the onEnable and onDisable options.
When the text field is enabled by checking the checkbox, a dialog will appear.
<form id="callbackTest"> <label> <input type="checkbox"> Check me </label> <input type="text" class="subject"> </form>
$('#callbackTest .subject').dependsOn({ '#callbackTest input[type="checkbox"]': { checked: true } }, { onEnable: function() { window.alert('Hello, world!'); } });
If you wish to change the value of a form field other than the subject you would use the valueTarget option in conjunction with the valueOnEnable and/or valueOnDisable options. This is useful if the subject is not a form field itself.
When "Married" or "Widowed" are selected, the salutaion field will be changed to "Mrs.".
<form id="valueTargetTest"> <label> Married? <select> <option value="married">Married</option> <option value="divorced">Divorced</option> <option value="single">Single</option> <option value="widowed">Widowed</option> </select> </label> <div class="subject"> <input type="text" class="salutation"> <input type="text" cvalue="Doe"> </div> </form>
$('#valueTargetTest .subject').dependsOn({ '#valueTargetTest select': { values: ['married', 'widowed'] } }, { valueTarget: '#valueTargetTest .salutation', valueOnEnable: 'Mrs.', valueOnDisable: '', hide: false });